Public active mirrors

We have currently 11 active mirror(s)

Country Site Name Mirror Name Categories Bandwidth Internet2 Comment
CN eScience Center, Nanjing University Rocky Linux: http | https | rsync
, Rocky Linux Vault: http | https | rsync
, Rocky Linux SIGs: http | https | rsync
10000 No
DE Plus.line AG Rocky Linux: https | http | rsync
, Rocky Linux SIGs: https | http | rsync
10000 No IPv6 of course available, Located in Frankfurt am Main
DE Netzwerge GmbH Rocky Linux: http | https | rsync
, Rocky Linux Vault: https | http | rsync
, Rocky Linux SIGs: http | rsync | https
2000 No IPv4/IPv6, Located in Hamburg, 1st official Rocky mirror ever, Sync every hour from official Master, Feel free to use us as rsync source
JP Rocky Linux: http | https | rsync
, Rocky Linux Vault: http | https | rsync
, Rocky Linux SIGs: http | https | rsync
10000 Yes IPv6: yes, HTTP/2: yes, HTTP/3: yes
KR KAIST FTP Rocky Linux: rsync | https | http
, Rocky Linux SIGs: https | http | rsync
10000 No Hosted by KAIST
KR Archive of Siwoo Rocky Linux: http | https | rsync
, Rocky Linux SIGs: http | rsync | https
1000 No Location : Gwangju, Republic of Korea / Sync : Every 2 hour / First APAC Rocky Linux Mirror!
LV Rocky Linux: https | http
, Rocky Linux SIGs: https | http
1000 No
MC Drüvertu drü Rocky Linux SIGs: http | rsync
1000 No
MY Shinjiru RockyLinux Rocky Linux: http | https | rsync
, Rocky Linux SIGs: http | https | rsync
1000 No IPv6 enabled
TW TWDS-TPE Rocky Linux: http | https | rsync
, Rocky Linux SIGs: http | rsync | https
50000 No Supports IPv6, optimized for long fat networks, and kept up to date
US Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation Rocky Linux: https | http
, Rocky Linux Vault: https
, Rocky Linux SIGs: https | http
100000 No Global CDN-Fronted endpoint provided by Fastly